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Umar bin al-Khattab

Umar ibn Al Katas Umar Son of Al Kata born 579 CE died 6 November 644 CE was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliph’s rulers in history. He was a sahib companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He succeeded Caliph Abu Bakr 632,634 as the second Caliph of Rash dun Caliphate on 23 August 634. He was an expert Islamic jurist and is best known for his pious and just nature which earned him the title Al Faro the one who distinguishes between rights and wrong He is sometimes referred to as Caliph Umar I by historians of Islam, since a later Umayyad caliph Umar also bore that name. Under Umar the Islamic empire expanded at an unprecedented rate ruling the whole Sassanid Persian Empir

e and more than two thirds of the Eastern Roman Empire. His attacks against the Sassanid Persian Empire resulted in the conquest of the Persian Empire in less than two years. It was Umar according to Jewish tradition, which set aside the Christian ban on Jews and allowed Jews into Jerusalem and to worship. Umar was born in Mecca to the Bane Aid clan, which was responsible for arbitrations among the tribes. His father was Kata in Nufayl and his mother was Han tama bent His ham from the tribe of Bane Makhzum. He is said to have belonged to a middle-class family. In his youth he used to tend to his father’s camels in the plains near Mecca. His father was famed for his intelligence among his tribe. He was a middle class merchant and is believed to be a ruthless man and emotional polytheist who often treated Umar badly. As obvious from Umar’s own statement regarding his father during his later political rule Umar said my father Al-Kata was a ruthless man. He used to make me work hard if I didn't work he used to beat me and he used to work me to exhaustion. Despite literacy being uncommon in pre-Islamic Arabia, Umar learned to read and write in his youth. Though not a poet himself he developed a love for poetry and literature According to the tradition of Quash while still in his teenage years Umar learned martial arts horse riding and wrestling. He was tall physically powerful and was soon to become a renowned wrestler.

Rome and Persia

Umar was also a gifted orator, and due to his intelligence and overwhelming personality he succeeded his father as an arbitrator of conflicts among the tribes. In addition Umar followed the traditional profession of Quash. He became a merchant and made several journeys to Rome and Persia where he is said to have met the various scholars and analyzed the Roman and Persian societies closely. However as a merchant he is believed to have never been successful. Drinking alcohol was very common among the Quash, and Umar was also fond of drinking in his pre Islamic days. In 610 Muhammad started delivering the message of Islam. Umar alongside others in Mecca opposed Islam and threatened to kill Muhammad. He resolved to defend the traditional, polytheistic religion of Arabia. He was most adamant and cruel in opposing Muhammad and very prominent in persecuting the Muslims. Umar was the first man who resolved that Muhammad had to be murdered in order to finish Islam. Umar firmly believed in the unity of the Quash and saw the new faith of Islam as a cause of division and discord among the Quraish.Due to the persecution at the hands of the Quash Muhammad ordered his followers to migrate to Abyssinia. As a small group of Muslims migrated Umar felt worried about the future unity of the Quash and decided to have Muhammad assassinated. Umar converted to Islam in 616 one year after the Migration to Abyssinia. The story was recounted in Ibn Ishaq, s SÄ«rah. On his way to murder Muhammad, Umar met his best friend Noam who had secretly converted to Islam but had not told Umar anything about it. When Umar informed him that he had set out to kill Muhammad Noam feared the worst. Umar was a man of his word and would attempt to do what he said. So in order to divert his attention Noam told him to inquire about his own house where his sister and her husband had converted to Islam. Upon arriving at her house Umar found his sister and brother in law Saied bin Said Umar’s cousin reciting the verses of the Quran from sure Ta ha. He started quarreling with his brother in law. When his sister came to rescue her husband, he also started quarreling with her. Yet still they kept on saying you may kill us but we will not give up Islam. Upon hearing these words Umar slapped his sister so hard that she fell to the ground bleeding from her mouth. When he saw what he did to his sister he calmed down out of guilt and asked his sister to give him what she was reciting. His sister replied in the negative and said you are unclean, and no unclean person can touch the Scripture. He insisted, but his sister was not prepared to allow him to touch the pages unless he washed his body. Omar at last gave in. He washed his body and then began to read the verses that were: Verily I am Allah there is no God but me so serve me only and establish regular prayer for my remembrance Quran 20.14.

Hajj of Muhammad in 631

He wept and declared surely this is the word of Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. On hearing this Hardhat Kaibab came out from inside and said O Omar Glad tidings for you. Yesterday Muhammad prayed to Allah O Allah strengthen Islam with either Omar or Abu Jail whomsoever Thou Likes. It seems that his prayer has been answered in your favor. He then went to Muhammad with the same sword he intended to kill him with and accepted Islam in front of him and his companions. Umar was 27 when he accepted Islam. Following his conversion Umar went to inform the chief of Quash Arm ibn His ham about his acceptance of Islam. According to one account Umar thereafter openly prayed at the Kaibab as the Quash chiefs, Arm ibn His ham and Abu Suflas ibn Herb reportedly watched in anger. This further helped the Muslims to gain confidence in practicing Islam openly. At this stage Umar even challenged anyone who dared to stop the Muslims from praying although no one dared to interfere with Umar when he was openly praying. Umar s conversion to Islam granted power to the Muslims and to the Islamic faith in Mecca. It was after this event that Muslims offered prayers openly in Masjid al Haram for the first time. Abdullah bin Mansour said. Umar s embracing Islam was our victory his migration to Medina was our success, and his reign a blessing from Allah. We didn't offer prayers in Al Haram Mosque until Umar had accepted Islam. When he accepted Islam the Quays were compelled to let us pray in the Mosque. Medina became the new center of Islam and the religion spread rapidly across Arabia. When Muhammad arrived in Medina, he paired off each immigrant Mohair with one of the residents of the city Ansari joining Muhammad ibn Maslamah with Umar making them brothers in faith. Later in Umar's reign as Caliph Muhammad ibn Muscleman would be assigned the office of Chief Inspector of Accountability. Muslims remained in peace in Medina for approximately a year before the Quash raised an army to attack them. In 624 Umar participated in the first Battle between Muslims and Quash of Mecca i.e. Battle of Bard. In 625 he took part in the Battle of Ehud. In the second phase of the Battle when Khalid ibn Wald’s Cavalry attacked Muslims at the rear changing the victory of Muslims to defeat, rumors of Muhammad’s death were spread and many Muslim warriors were routed from the battle field, Umar too was initially routed but hearing that Muhammad was still alive he went to Muhammad at the mountain of Ehud and prepared for the defenses of the hill to keep the army of Quash from approaching the hilltop. Later in the year Umar was a part of campaign against the Jewish tribe of Bane Nadir.

In 625 Umar s daughters Hash was married to Muhammad. Later in 627 he participated in the Battle of the Trench and also in the Battle of Bane Quays. In 628 Umar participated in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and was made one of the witnesses over the pact. In 628 he was a part of Muslims' campaign to Khyber. In 629 Muhammad sent Arm ibn al A as to Zagat ul Sallisaw from where he called for reinforcement and Muhammad sent Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jar rah with reinforcement, serving under him were Abu Bark and Umar, they attacked and defeated the enemy. In 630 when Muslim armies rushed for the Conquest of Mecca he was part of that army. Later in 630 he was part of Battle of Hunan and Siege of Tiff. He was part of Muslims army that went for the campaign of Taboo under Muhammad’s command and he was reported to have given half of his wealth for the preparation of this expedition. He also participated in the farewell Hajj of Muhammad in 631. Muhammad died on 8 June 632. Umar, the devoted disciple, could not accept the reality that the "Messenger of God" was dead It is said that Umar promised to strike the head of any man who would say that Muhammad died. At this point Abu Bark is reported to have come out to the Muslim community and gave his famous speech which Whoever worshipped Muhammad let them know that Muhammad has died, and whoever worshipped Allah let them know that Allah is alive and never dies. Abu-Bakr then recited these verses from the Qur'an. Muhammad is but a messenger messengers the like of who have passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed will you turn back on your heel. Hearing this from Abu Bark the most senior disciple of Muhammad Umar then fell down on his knees in a great sense of sorrow and acceptance of the reality. Sunni Muslims say that this denial of Muhammad’s death was occasioned by his deep love for him. Umar’s political genius first manifested as the architect of the caliphate after Muhammad died in 8 June 632While the funeral of Muhammad was being arranged a group of Muhammad's followers who were natives of Medina, the Ansari helpers, organized a meeting on the outskirts of the city, effectively locking out those companions known as Mohairs The Emigrants including Umar.


Umar found out about this meeting at Saqifah Bane Sarah, and taking with him two other Mohair’s Abu Bark and Abu Obadiah ibn al Jar rah, proceeded to the meeting, presumably to head off the Ansari’s plans for political separatism. Arriving at the meeting Umar was faced with a unified community of tribes from the Ansari who refused to accept the leadership of the Mohair’s. However Umar was undeterred in his belief the caliphate should be under the control of the Mohair’s. Though the Karaj were in disagreement, Umar after strained negotiations lasting up to one or two days, brilliantly divided the Ansari into their old warring factions of Awes and Karaj tribes. Umar resolved the divisions by placing his hand on that of Abu Bark as a unity candidate for those gathered in the Saqifah. Others gathered at the Saqifah meeting followed suit with the exception of the Karaj tribe and their leader sad ibn 'Ubada, whose tribe was ostracized. The Karaj tribe is said to have posed no significant threat as there were sufficient men of war from the Median tribes such as the Bane Awes to immediately organize them into a military bodyguard for Abu Bakr.The creation of the Islamic caliphate would be one of Umar's most enduring legacies, and its significance to world history is hard to overestimate. However Umar himself was characteristically guarded about his own creation. Umar judged the outcome of the Saqifa assembly to be a falter Made lung as 'a precipitate and considered deal because of the absence of most of the prominent Muhajirun including the Prophets own family and clan, whose participation he considered vital for any legitimate consultation shore meshwork. It was, he warned the community to be no precedent for the future. Yet he also defended the outcome, claiming that the Muslims were longing for Abu Bark as for no one else. He apologized; moreover, that the Muhajirun present were forced to press for an immediate oath of allegiance since the Ansari could not have been trusted to wait for a legitimate consultation and might have proceeded to elect one of their own after the departure of the Means. Another reason for Umar to censure the Saia meeting as a falter was no doubt its turbulent and undignified end, as he and his followers jumped upon the sick Kharrazi leader Sad bin Bade in order to teach him a lesson, if not to kill him for daring to challenge the sole right of Quays to rule. This violent break up of the meeting indicates, moreover, that the Ansari cannot all have been swayed by the wisdom and eloquence of Abu Bark’s speech and have accepted him as the best choice for the succession as suggested by Catani. There would have been no sense in beating up the Kharrazi chief if everybody had come around to swearing allegiance to Umar’s candidate. A substantial number of the Ansari, presumably of Karaj in particular must have refused to follow the lead of the Muhajirun.According to various Twelve Shia sources and Wilfred Made lung from The Institute for Ismailia Studies, founded by Kari Aga Khan, Umar and Abu Bark had in effect mounted a political coup against Ali at the Saqifah According to one version of narrations in primary sources, Umar and Abu Bark are also said to have used force to try to secure the allegiance from Ali and his party. It has been reported in mainly Persian historical sources written 300 years later, such as history of al-Tabard that after Ali's refusal to pay homage, Abu Bark sent Umar with an armed contingent to Fatimah’s house where Ali and his supporters are said to have gathered. Umar is reported to have warned those in the House that unless Ali succumbed to Abu Bark, he would set the House on fire and under these circumstances Ali was forced to capitulate. This version of events, fully accepted by Shia scholars, is generally rejected by Sunni scholars who, in view of other reports in their literature, believe that Ali gave oath of alliance to Abu Bark without any grievance. But then other Sunni and Shia sources say that Ali did not seared allegiance to Abu Bark after his election but six months later after the death of his wife Fatimah putting into question al-Tabard account. Either way the Sunni or the Shia accounts both accept that Ali felt that Abu Bark should have informed him before going into the meeting with the Ansari and that that Ali did swear allegiance to Abu Bark. Western scholars tend to agree that Ali believed he had a clear mandate to politically succeed Muhammad citation needed but offer differing views as to the extent of use of force by Umar in an attempt to intimidate Ali and his supporters for instance Dr. Wilfred Made lung from The Institute for Ismailia Studies in his book The Succession to Muhammad, discounts the possibility of use of force and argues that. Isolated reports of use of force against Ali and Bane Has him who unanimously refuses to swear allegiance for six months are probably to be discounted. Abu Bark no doubt was wise enough to restrain Umar from any violence against them well realizing that this would inevitably provoked the sense of solidarity of majority of Abdul Manna who’s acquiescence he needed. His policy was rather not isolating Bane Has him as far as possible. In the bestselling book, in the shadow of the sword, The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World, Tom Holland writes Omar’s historicity is beyond dispute. An Armenian bishop writing a decade or so after Qadisiyya describes Umar as Mighty potentate coordinating the advance of the sons of Ismael from the depths of the desert. Tom Holland writes what added incomparably to his prestige, was that his earth-shaking qualities as a generalissimo were combined with the most distinctive cast of virtues. Rather than ape the manner of a Caesar, as the Ghassanid kings had done he drew on the example of a quite different kind of Christian. Umar’s threadbare robes his diet of bread, salt and water and his rejection of worldly riches would have reminded anyone from the desert reaches beyond Palestine of a very particular kind of person. Monks out in the Judean desert had long been casting themselves as warriors of God. The achievement of Umar was to take such language to a literal and previously unimaginable extreme. In 644, at zenith of his power, Umar was assassinated. His assassination was carried out by Persians, in response to the Muslim conquest of Persia. The assassination was planned several months earlier. In October 644 Umar went for Hajj in Mecca, the assassins started the hoopla of Umar's possible death that year, and the massive crowd of the congregation was used by the conspirators as a veil to hide themselves. It is related that when Umar stood at Mount Arafat he heard a voice saying Caliph never again will you stand on the Mount of Arafat. A companion of Umar Jucar bin Mute is reported to have said. We saw a man standing at the top of the hill and crying, verily that is the last Hajj of Umar. He will never come here again. During one of rituals of Hajj the Rami alJamarat stoning of the Devil someone threw a stone on Umar that wounded his head, a voice was heard that Umar will not attend the Hajj ever again.

On 3 November 644 Porous attacked Umar

Porous brought a complaint to Umar about the high tax charged from him by his master Mughirah. Umar wrote to Mughirah and inquired about the tax Mughirah, s reply was satisfactory, but Umar held that the tax charged from Abu Lulu was reasonable, owning the to his daily income. Umar then is reported to have asked Abu Lulu. I heard that you make windmills make one for me as well. In a sullen mood, Faros said Verily I will make such a mill for you, that whole world would remember it .Hermana, the alleged mastermind of the plot. He was Persian Commander in Chief and was captured and brought to Umar at Medina where to save his life he apparently converted to Islam. One of Umar’s advisors Ki abs al Akbar a former Jewish Rabbi Who had converted to Islam.Jafinah the Christian Arab from Iraq, who was also a foster brother of Sad in Abi Waqqas, former governors of Bursa? Porous Nahavandi popularly known as Abu Lu, Lu ah, he was slave of Muglia ibn Shi’a the governor of Bursa at the time. It was Porous Nahavandi who was assigned the mission of assassinating Umar. According to the plan, before the Far prayers the morning prayers before the dawn Porous would enter AL Masjid al Malawi, the main mosque of Medina where Umar led the prayers and would attack Umar during the prayers, and then flee or mix with the congregation at mosque. There were Persian children slaves in Medina. Seeing them, Porous is quoted saying: You have been enslaved at such a tender age. This Umar sees eaten my heart. I will take his heart out. On 3 November 644 Porous attacked Umar while he was leading the morning prayers, stabbing him six times in the belly and last on the navel that proved fatal. Umar was left profusely bleeding while Abu Lulu tried to flee but people from all sides rushed to capture him in his efforts to escape he is reported to have wounded twelve other people, six or nine of whom later died. At last he was captured but committed suicide using the same dagger. Umar died of the wounds three days later on Sunday 7 November 644 26th Hu al Hijab 23 Umar is reported to have left the following testament: Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansari. Those out of them, who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defense; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth. Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Shimmies for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity. Ensure that they pay the Jazzy without undue inconvenience. Fear God, and in all that you do keep His pleasure in view. In the matter of people fear God, and in the matter of Allah do not be afraid of the people. With regard to the people, I enjoin upon you to administer justice with an even hand. See that all the legitimate requirements of the people are met. Be concerned for their welfare. Ensure the safety of their person and property. See that the frontiers of our domains are not violated. Take strong steps to guard the frontiers. In the matter of administration do not prefer the rich to the poor. Be hard against those who violate the law. Show them no mercy. Do not rest content until you have brought the miscreants to book. Treat all the people as equal. Be a pillar of strength for those who are weak and oppressed. Those who are strong but do wrong, make them pay for their wrong-doings. In the distribution of booty and other matters be above nepotism. Let no consideration of relationship or selfish interest weigh with you. The Satan is at large; it may tempt you. Rise above all temptations and perform your duties in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Get guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunni. Freely consult the wise men around you. Apply your own mind in difficult cases, and seek light from God. Be simple in your living and your habits. Let there be no show or ostentation about you. Lead life as a model Muslim. As you are the leader of the Muslims justify your leadership by being the best among them all.

May God bless you

As per Umar's will he was buried next to Al-Masjid alNabawi alongside Muhammad and C Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansari. Those out of them, who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defense; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth. Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Dimmit for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity. Ensure that they pay the Jazzy without undue inconvenience. Fear God, and in all that you do keep His pleasure in view. In the matter of people fear God, and in the matter of Allah do not be afraid of the people. With regard to the people, I enjoin upon you to administer justice with an even hand. See that all the legitimate requirements of the people are met. Be concerned for their welfare. Ensure the safety of their person and property. See that the frontiers of our domains are not violated. Take strong steps to guard the frontiers. In the matter of administration do not prefer the rich to the poor. Be hard against those who violate the law. Show them no mercy. Do not rest content until you have brought the miscreants to book. Treat all the people as equal. Be a pillar of strength for those who are weak and oppressed. Those who are strong but do wrong, make them pay for their wrong-doings. In the distribution of booty and other matters be above nepotism. Let no consideration of relationship or selfish interest weigh with you. The Satan is at large; it may tempt you. Rise above all temptations and perform your duties in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Get guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunni. Freely consult the wise men around you. Apply your own mind in difficult cases, and seek light from God. Be simple in your living and your habits. Let there be no show or ostentation about you. Lead life as a model Muslim. As you are the leader of the Muslims, justify your leadership by being the best among them all. May God bless you? Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansari. Those out of them, who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defense; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth. Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Dimmit for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity. Ensure that they pay the Jazzy without undue inconvenience. Fear God, and in all that you do keep His pleasure in view. In the matter of people fear God, and in the matter of Allah do not be afraid of the people. With regard to the people, I enjoin upon you to administer justice with an even hand. See that all the legitimate requirements of the people are met. Be concerned for their welfare. Ensure the safety of their person and property. See that the frontiers of our domains are not violated. Take strong steps to guard the frontiers. In the matter of administration do not prefer the rich to the poor. Be hard against those who violate the law. Show them no mercy. Do not rest content until you have brought the miscreants to book. Treat all the people as equal. Be a pillar of strength for those who are weak and oppressed. Those who are strong but do wrong, make them pay for their wrong-doings. In the distribution of booty and other matters be above nepotism. Let no consideration of relationship or selfish interest weigh with you. The Satan is at large; it may tempt you. Rise above all temptations and perform your duties in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Get guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunni. Freely consult the wise men around you. Apply your own mind in difficult cases, and seek light from God. Be simple in your living and your habits. Let there be no show or ostentation about you. Lead life as a model Muslim. As you are the leader of the Muslims, justify your leadership by being the best among them all. May God bless you.

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