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Old City Of Jerusalem and Muslim

Old City Of Jerusalem and Muslim

The Muslim Quarter Arabi Hebrewִ is one of the four quarters of the ancient, walled Old City Of Jerusalem It covers 31 hectares 76 acres of the northeastern sector of the Old City. The quarter is the largest and most populous and extends from the Lions Gate in the east, along the northern wall of the Temple Mount in the south, to the Damascus Gate Westem Wall route in the west. The Via Dolorosa starts in the quarter. The Old City Hebrew.The is a 0.9 square kilometers 0.35 sq mi Walled area within the modern city of Jerusalem. Until 1860, when the Jewish neighborhood Mishkenot Sha ananim was established, this area constituted the entire city of Jerusalem. The Old City is home to several sites of key religious importance. The Temple Mount and Western Wall for Jews the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for Christians, and the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque for Muslims. It was added to the Unesco World Heritage Site List in 1981.Traditionally the Old City has been divided into four uneven quarters although the current designations were introduced only in the 19th century. Today, the Old City is roughly divided into the Muslim Quarter the Christian Quarter, the Jewish Quarter and the Armenian Quarter. Following the 1948 Arab Israeli War the Old City was captured by Jordan and Jewish residents were evicted. During the Six Day War in 1967 which saw hand-to-hand fighting on the Temple Mount, Israel captured the Old City along with the rest of East Jerusalem. subsequently annexing them as Israeli territory and reuniting them with the western part of the city. Today Israel controls the entire area which it considers part of its national capital. In 2010, Jerusalem's oldest fragment of writing was found outside the Old City's walls. The Jerusalem Law of 1980 effectively annexing East Jerusalem to Israel, was declared null and void by Un Security Council Resolution 478 and East Jerusalem is regarded by the international community as part of occupied Palestinian territory. The city of Jerusalem has been surrounded by walls for its defense since ancient times. In the middle Bronze Age a period also known as the Patriarchs period a city named Jebos was built in the location of today's Jerusalem, which was relatively small 50,000 square meters) but was fortified. Remains of this wall are located above the Hezekiah's Tunnel.According to Jewish tradition, as expressed in the Tanakh Jerusalem remained a Jebusite city until the rise of David who conquered the city and established the City of David on the site of the Jebusite City. Later on King David extended the walls, which were located on a low hill, outside of the walls of today's Old City area. Solomon, David's son, built the first temple in the city and also extended the city walls in order to protect the temple. During the First Temple period the city walls extended towards the northwest part of the city, the area where today the Jewish quarter of the City ist located.

In 516 BCE or 430 BCE

After the Babylonian captivity and the Achaemenid EmpirecPersian conquest of Babylonia, Cyrus II of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Judea and rebuild the Temple. The construction was finished in 516 BCE or 430 BCE. Then, Artaxerxes I or possibly Darius II sent Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the city's walls and to govern Judea, which was ruled as Yehud province under the Persians. During the Second Temple period, especially during the Hasmonean period, the city walls were expanded and renovated. Herod the Great expanded the walls to include the West Hill. Agrippa I later began the construction of a third wall. The wall were completed just before the outbreak of the First Jewish–Roman War. Some remains of this wall are located today near the Mandelbaum Gate gas station After the Fall of Jerusalem, the walls were destroyed and were later partially restored during the Aelia Capitolina period and afterward extensively renewed by the Empress Aelia Eudocia. In 1033, most of the walls constructed by Empress Eudocia were destroyed by an earthquake. During the Crusader conquest in 1099 the walls were rebuilt but destroyed again during the conquest of Saladin. Saladin's nephew Al Malik al-Mu'azzam 'Isa, ordered the reconstruction of the city walls, but later on, in 1219 he changed his mind after most of the watchtowers were built and had the walls torn down, mainly because he feared that the Crusaders would benefit of the fortifications if they managed to reconquer the city. For the next three centuries the city remained without protective walls the Temple Mount Haram ash Sharif being the only well fortified area during this period. In 16th century, during the reign of the Ottoman empire in the region the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent decided to fully rebuild the city walls on the remains of the ancient walls. The construction lasted from 1535-1538 and thes are the walls that exist today.

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Al-Aqsa Mosque al-Masjid al-Aqṣā, IPA the Farthest Mosque also known as Al-Aqsa and Bayt al Muqaddas, is the third holiest site in Islam and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The site on which the silver domed mosque sits, along with the Dome of the Rock also referred to as al-Haram ash-Sharif or Noble Sanctuary is the Temple Mount the holiest site in Judaism the place where the Temple is generally accepted to have stood. Muslims believe that Muhammad was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to al-Aqsa during the Night Journey Isamic tradition holds that Muhammad led prayers towards this site until the seventeenth month after the emigration when God directed him to turn towards the Kaaba. The mosque was originally a small prayer house built by the Rashidun caliph Umar but was rebuilt and expanded by the Umayyad caliph Abd Al Malik and finished by his son Al Walid in 705 CE. After an earthquake in 746 the mosque was completely destroyed and rebuilt by the Abbasid caliph Al Mansur in 754 and again rebuilt by his successor Al Mahdi in 780. Another earthquake destroyed most of al-Aqsa in 1033 but two years later the Fatimind caliph Ali az Zahir built another mosque which has stood to the present-day. During the periodic renovations undertaken the various ruling dynasties of the Islamic Caliphate constructed additions to the mosque and its precincts, such as its dome facade its mindar minarets and the interior structure. When the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099 they used the mosque as a palace and church, but its function as a mosque was restored after its recapture by Saladin in 1187 More renovations repairs and additions were undertaken in the later centuries by the Ayyubids Mamluks Ottomans the Supreme Muslim Counil and Jordan. Today the Old City is under Isereli control but the mosque remains under the administration of the Jordanian Palestinian led Islamic waqf. The Dome of the Rock is a shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Oly City of Jerusalem. The domed central plan structure was patterned after the Christian church of the Holy Sepulchre.. It was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd AlMalik during the Second Fitna becoming one of the oldest works of Islamic arehitectue. The site's significance stems from religious traditions regarding the rock, known as the Foundatin Stone at its heart, which bears great significance for Jews Christians and Muslims. The Umayyad Caliphate was the second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. The caliphate was centered on the Umayyad dynasty Al Umawiyyun or Banu Umayya Sons of Umayya hailing from Mecca. The Umayyad family had first come to power under the third Caliph Uthman ibn Affan r. 644–656 but the Umayyad regime was founded by Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan long-time governor of Syria after the end of the Frist Muslim Civil war in 661 CE-41 AH. Syria remained the Umayyads' main power base thereafter and Damascus was their capital. The Umayyads continued the Muslim conquests incorporating the Caucasus Transoxiana Sindh. The Maghre and the Iberian Peninula into the Muslim world. At its greatest extent, the Umayyad Caliphate covered 5.79 million square miles 15,000,000 km2 making it the largest empire the world had yet seen, and the Fifth largest ever or exist. At the time, the Umayyad taxation and administrative practice were perceived as unjust by some Muslims. While the non-Muslim population had autonomy, their judicial matters were dealt with in accordance with their own laws and by their own religious heads or their appointees. They paid a poll tax for policing to the central state. Muhammad had stated explicitly during his lifetime that each religious minority should be allowed to practice its own religion and govern itself, and the policy had on the whole continued. The welfare state for both the Muslim and the non-Muslim poor started by Omar had also continued. Muawiya's wife Maysum Yazid's mother was also a Christian. The relations between the Muslims and the Christians in the state were good. The Umayyads were involved in frequent battles with the Christian Byzantines without being concerned with protecting their rear in Syria which had remained largely Christian like many other parts of the empire. Prominent positions were held by Christians some of whom belonged to families that had served in Byzantine governments. The employment of Christians was part of a broader policy of religious tolerance that was necessitated by the presence of large Christian populations in the conquered provinces, especially in Syria. This policy also boosted his popularity and solidified Syria as his power base. The rivalries between the Arab tribes had caused unrest in the provinces outside Syria, most notably in the Second Muslim Civil War of 680–692 CE and the Berber Revolt of 740-743 CE. During the Second Civil War, leadership of the Umayyad clan shifted from the Sufyanid branch of the family to the Marwanid branch. As the constant campaigning exhausted the resources and manpower of the state, the Umayyads, weakened by the Third Muslim Civil War of 744–747 CE, were finally toppled by the Abbasid Revolution in 750 CE/132 AH. A branch of the family fled across North Africa to Al-Andalus.

Pakistan Raja Bhimsina in 2306 BCE

Pakistan Mangla Dma Pakistan Mangla Dma Hewas contstructed between 1961 to to1967 acro the Jhelum River abut 67 miles o8 km of capital Islamabad in Mirpur District . The components include a reservor main embank ment intake embankment main emergency spillwey intake structures 5 tunnels. Besides the main a dyke called Sukian 17,000 feet in length and a small dam called jari Dam to block the jari Nala about 11miles bevond the new Mirpur towe had to be constructed. A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground stream. Dams generally serev the retanining while other structures such as floodgates or levees also known as dikes are used to manage or prevent into specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped storage hydroelectricity are often used to colled water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between localtions. The word dam can be traced back to Middle english and before . This cast of Pakistan Rs6.587 billino US£1,473 billion with the funding be provided of the Word Bank.The dam was constructed between 1961.1967 acoser the jhelum River abuot 67 miles 108 km southeasft of the pakistan capotal islambad in Mirpur District Kashmir Pakistan. The components includ a reservoir main embankment intake embankment main spillway emergency spillway intake structures t tunnels and apower station. Besides the main dam adyke called Sukian 17;000 feet in length an a small dam called Jari dam to block the Jari Nala about 11 miles beyond the new Mirpur town had to be constructed. There was a total of 120 x106 cubic yards cu yds of excavtion for the resrvoir whereas the total fill amounted to 142 x106 cu yds and concrete to 1.96 x 106 cu ydsrespectivel. The main enbankment is earthfill with clay as the core material.Gravel and A type sandstone are applied on the shoulders. The maximum height of embankment above the care trench is 454 feet and the length is 8,400 feet. The intake embankment is earthfill type with B-type sanston as the core material Gravel is applied on the shoulders. The maximum heigth of intake embankment above the core trench is 262 feet an the length is 1,900 feet.sukin dam is earthfill with B-tpe sandstone as the core material.A-typ sandstone is applied on the shouldes. The maximum height of intake embankmentabover the core trench is 144 feet and the length is 16,900 feet.Jari dam is aalso an earthfill type with silt as the core material. Gravel is applied on the shoulderged of the dam. The maximum height of Jari dam above the core trench is 274 feet and the lenght is 6,800 feet. The main spillway is a maximum capacity of 1.1 million cusecs. The emergency spillway is weir type with an erodible bund and amaximum capacity of 0.23 millio cusecs. The 5 tunnels are steel and concrete lind and 1,560 feet long in bedrock. The internal diameter ranges between26-31 feet.
Jehlam River or Jhelum River Jehlam River or Jhelum River dzeɪləm Sanskri Kashmiri. It is the largest and most western of the five rivers of Punjab, and passes through Jhelum District. It is a tributary of the Chenab River and has a total length of about 450 miles 725 kilometers. The Sanskrit name of this river is Vitasta. The river got this name from the incident regarding the origin of the river as explained in Nilamata Purana. Goddess Parvati was requested by sage Kasyapa to come to Kashmir for purification of the land from evil practices of Pisachas living there. Goddess Parvati then assumed the form of a river in the Nether World. Then Lord Shiva made a stroke with his spear near the abode of Nila Verinag Spring.By that stroke of the spear Goddess Parvati came out of the Nether World. Shiva himself named her as Vitasta. He had excavated with the spear a ditch measuring one Vitastia particular measure of length defined either as a long span between the extended thumb and little finger or as the distance between the wrist and the tip of the fingers and said to be about 9 inches through which the river - gone to the Nether World had come out, so she was given the name Vitasta by him.The river Jhelum rises from Verinag Spring situated at the foot of the Pir Panjal in the south eastern part of the valley of Kashmir in India. It flows through Srinagar and the Wular lake before entering through a deep narrow gorge. The Neelum River the largest tributary of the Jhelum, joins it, at Domel Muzaffarabad, as does the next largest the Kunhar River of the Kaghan valley. It also connects with rest of Pakistan on Kohala Bridge east of Circle Bakote. It is then joined by the Poonch river and flows into the Mangla Dam reservoir in the district of Mirpur. The Jhelum enters the Punjab in the Jhelum District. From there, it flows through the plains of Pakistan's Punjab, forming the boundary between the Chaj and Sindh Sagar Doabs. It ends in a confluence with the Chenab at Trimmu in District Jhang. The Chenab merges with the Sutlej to form the Panjnad River which joins the Indus River at Mithankot.Verinag is approximately 80 km from Srinagar, by road, at an elevation of 1,876 m. It is believed that the eponymous Verinag spring is the chief source of the river Jhelum. There is an octagonal base at the spring, surrounded by a covered passage. The Verinag spring is one of the principle tourist attractions of Verinag. The spring, which was originally shaped in a circular form was given a change of shape during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir in 1620 when he gave orders to renovate the spring in the Mughal traditional shape of an octagon. Today, picturesque in its settings and surrounded by tall pine trees, the Verinag Spring is characterized by waters which are calm and sparklingly clear. The easiest and fastest way of reaching Verinag is by air. The nearest airport is in the Badgam District around 80 km away from the village of Verinag. Verinag is well connected to a number of other regions of Jammu and Kashmir. There are a number of well maintained roads which lead to Verinag.
Sultan Muhammad Muzaffar Khan(Bamba) Muzaffarabad is named after Sultan Muhammad Muzaffar Khan the pioneer of the Bamba clan in the region. The family has ruled Muzaffarabad for hundred of years. Further the dynasty was distributed among Sultan of Boe Sultan of Lawasi, Sultan of Kathai and Sultan of Kahori. Some of the great names belonging to the family are Sultan Matwali khan jageerdar Kathai Sultan Hassan Ali Khan jageerdar Boe and the member of parliament of joint India on the seat of landlord Sultan Qutub-ud-din Khan jageerdar Lawasi Sultan Feroz din Khan son of jageerdar Lawasi. Raja Muhammad Hussain Khan son of jageerdar Lawasi and son-in-law of jageerdar Boe Raja Muhammad Nasir Khan son of jageerdar Lawasi and secretary to Maharaja kashmir Muhammad Muzaffar Khan first Muslim judge in Kashmir. Khalid Muzaffar Khan son of Muhammad Muzaffar Khan.Raja Nassar ud din khan son-in-law of Muhammad Muzaffar Khan. Zafar Umar khan Son of Feroz din Khan sahib his cousin brother Raja Tanveer Hussain Khan Son of Muhammad Hussain Khan sahib and many more. The Neelum Valley is a Himalayan gorge in Gilgit Baltistan of Pakistan along which the Neelum River flows. This green and fertile valley is 250 km in length and stretches its way from Muzaffarabad all the way to Athmuqam and beyond to Taobutt. It is one of the most attractive tourists places like Swat and Chetral but due to poor road system is yet veiled to the outside world. This area was badly affected by the 2005 earthquake and was cut off from the outside world as the roads and paths were filled with rubble. Now construction of an international standard road is in progress. Neelum has had a great importance before and after the partition of India due to its beauty. Sharada Peeth was once most advanced and international standard institution during the Hindu and Buddhist era. It is named after the river Neelum which is famous for its crystal bluish and that is the reason for its name Neelum. Some traditionalists say that the valley is named after a precious stone neelum sapphire. It enters in the Neelum from Taobutt and continues its journey through narrows and mountains different streams in the way add its strength and finely tributes into river Jehlum at a spot at Domail in Muzaffarabad. There are two entrances for Neelum valley Muzaffarabad and the other by Kaghan the Julkhad Road. Generally Neelum valley starts just after Muzaffarabad but in political division the area from Muzaffarabad to Chelhana is named Kotla valley in election division. District Neelum starts from Chelhana and goes to Taobutt. The valley is famous for its lush greenery fir forests, slop hills and waterfalls. Specially in summer a large number of tourists visit the valley. Azad jummu and Kashmir tourism department and Forest Division Keren constructed Guest Houses in most important points. Good strandard hotels are also available in almost is the northernmost district a variety of languages are spoken in the district. Hindko however is the predominant language and is spoken mostly in the west and southwest towards the border with Muzzafarrabad and NWFP now Khayber Pakhtoonkhwa.Shina and Kashmiri are the predominant languages spoken in the northeastern part of the district towards the border with Baramulla, Gurez, Bandipore, Astore District and Baltistan and also in the far north on the border with Diamer District. Pashto is also spoken in a few villages on the Line of Control with Kupwara. Other languages include Gojri and the Kundal Shahi Language which is an archaic form of Shina however it is heavily influenced by Kashmiri and Hindko. The Kundal Shahi Language is spoken in a village called Kundal Shahi near Athmuqam. The language is under tremendous threat. If the current situation of language loss continues unabated it is estimated that the language will disappear in the near future. Addressing a public meeting at Hazuri Bagh Srinagar on 1 October 1947 Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah said Till the last drop of my blood I will not believe in two-nation theory. On 2 October the Working Committee of the National Conference met under Abdullah's presidency and decided to support accession to India. however Maharaja Hari Singh wanted to remain independent. Tribal forces from Pakistan attacked under the code name Operation Gulmarg to seize Kashmir. They moved along the Rawalpindi-Murree-Muzaffarabad-Baramulla Road on 22 October 1947 with Pakistani soldiers in civilian clothes. Muzaffarabad fell on 24 October 1947 and they captured Baramulla the following day. They looted, raped killed burned and vandalised shrines and temples. According to Tariq Ali the local cinema became center. The atrocities continued for several days. Aeroplanes with Indian troops airlifted from Delhi the morning of 27 October could land at Srinagar airfield since the tribal forces were still at Baramulla.In October 1947. tribal lashkars hastened in lorries undoubtedly with official logistic support into Kashmir. at least one British Officer Harvey Kelly took part in the campaign. It seemed that nothing could stop these hordes of tribesmen taking Srinagar with its vital airfield. Indeed nothing did, but their own greed. The Mahsuds in particular stopped to loot rape and murder Indian troops were flown in and the lashkars pushed out of the Vale of Kashmir into the mountains. The Mahsuds returned home in a savage mood having muffed an easy chance lost the loot of Srinagar and made fools of themselves. Tom Cooper of the Air Combat Information Group wrote.The Pathans appeared foremost interested in looting, killing, ransacking and other crimes against the inhabitants instead of a serious military action.

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