While the campaign in Iraq against the Sasnids was going on, at home major apostasy was stamped out by the revolting tribes being brought under control. Abu Bakr now turned his attention to the conquest of Syrian and Palestine on the Byzantine frontier which he regarded as more important. Through their commercial activities, the Arabs were more familiar with, and interested in, this region than Persia, which was largely unknown to them. Even the Prophet(s) in his lifetime showed interest in it and sent an expedition under his adopted son Zayd ibn Haritha, to the Syrian broder in 629. But the vastly superior Byzantine army had no difficulty in crushing the raw soldiers of early Islam. Zayd died fighting, and the expedition ended in diaster.
In 633 Abu Bakr organized three armies of 3.000 soldiers eachg and put them under the command of Yezid ibn Abi Sufyan his father, Abu Sufyan, the Makkan leader in battles against the Muslims, was then governor of Najran and Hijaz Shurahbil ibn Hasana and Amr ibn al As who was later to become famous for his conquest of Egypt in 640.2 and three times its governor The first two columns entered Jordan while Amr led his troops to south-eastern Palestine, and near Gaza he annihilated in February a small army under