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Islami Jumhuriya a Pakistan

Pakistan Islamic Jamahiriya pronounced is a sovereign country in South Asia with a population exceeding 180 Million people; it is the sixth most populous country in the world. Located at the crossroads of the strategically important regions of South Asia Central Asia and Western Asia Pakistan has a 1.046 kilometer 650 mi coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Glug of Oman in the south and is bordered by India to the east Afghanistan to the west and north, Iran to the southwest and China in the far northeast. It is separated from Tajikistan by Afghanistan's narrow WA khan Corridor in the north, and also shares a marine border with Oman. The territory of modern Pakistan was home to several ancient cultures, including the Neolithic Merger and the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization and has undergone invasions or settlements by Hindu Persian Indo Greek Islamic Turbo Mongol Afghan and Sikh cultures. The area has been ruled by numerous empires and dynasties, including the Indian Maun Empire the Persian Achaemenid Empire the Arab Umayyad Caliphate the Mongol Empire the Mughal Empire the Duran Empire the Sikh Empire and the British Empire As a result of the Pakistan Movement led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah and India’s struggle for independence Pakistan was created in 1947 as an independent nation for Muslims from the regions in the east and west of India where there was a Muslim majority. Initially a dominion Pakistan adopted a new constriction in 1956, becoming an Islamic republic a civil war in 1971 resulted in the secession of East Pakistan as the new country of Bangladesh Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic consisting of four provinces and four federal territories. It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country, with a similar variation in its geograhyand wildlife. Regional and middle power. Pakistan has the seventh largest standing armed forces in the world and is also a nuclear power as well as a declared nuclear weapons state, being the only nation in the Muslim world, and the second in South Asia, to have that status. It has a semi-industrialized economy which is the 27th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power and 47th largest in terms of nominal GDP.Pakistan's post-independence history has been characterized by periods of military rule, political instability and conflicts with neighboring India. The country continues to face challenging problems, including terrorism, poverty, illiteracy and corruption. It is a founding member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (now the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Next Eleven Economies, SAARC ECO D8 and the G20 developing nations. The Sonia is an archaeological culture of the Lower Pal Eolithic ca. 1.9 may to 125,000 BC contemporary to the Ache lean. It is named after the Sean Valley in the Visalia Hills, near modern-day Islamabad Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The bearers of this culture were AHSAN in Amidala and Kabala, about 16 kilometers 9.9 mi from Rawalpindi, on the bend of the Sean River hundreds of edged pebble tools were discovered. No human skeletons of this age have yet been found. In the Sean River Gorge many fossil bearing rocks are exposed on the surface. The 14 million year old fossils of gazelle, rhinoceros, crocodile, giraffe and rodents have been found there. Some of these fossils are on display at the Natural History Museum in Islamabad. Merger 7000–5500 BCE on the Kati Plain of Baluchistan is an important Neolithic site discovered in 1974, with early evidence of farming and herding, and dentistry. Early residents lived in mud brick houses; stored grain in granaries, fashioned tools with copper ore cultivated barley, wheat, jujubes and dates, and herded sheep, goats and cattle. As the civilization progressed 5500-2600 BCE residents began to engage in crafts, including flint knapping, tanning, bead production, and metalworking.

Bactria 180 165 BCE included

The site was occupied continuously until 2600 BCE when climatic changes began to occur. Between 2600 and 2000 BCE, region became more arid and Merger was abandoned in favor of the Indus Valley where a new civilization was in the early stages of development. The Indus Valley Civilization developed between 3300-1700 BCE on the banks of the Indus River. At its peak, the civilization hosted a population of approximately 5 million in hundreds of settlements extending as far as the Arabian Sea, present-day southern and eastern Afghanistan, southeastern Iran and the Himalayas Major urban centers were at Dholavira Kalimantan Harappa LothalMohenjo dare, and Rakhigarhi as well as an offshoot called the Kelli culture 2500-2000 BCEin southern Baluchistan, which had similar settlements, pottery and other artifacts. The civilization collapsed abruptly around 1700 BCE. In the early part of the second millennium BCE, the Rig Vedic civilization existed between the Santa Sindh and Ganges Yamuna rivers. The city of Axilla in northern Pakistan became important to Vedic religion and later in Buddhism. Some of the earliest ancient human civilizations in South Asia originated from areas encompassing present-day Pakistan. The earliest known inhabitants in the region were Sonia during the Lower Pal Eolithic of whom stone tools have been found in the Sean Valley of Punjab. The Indus region which covers most of Pakistan was the site of several successive ancient cultures including the Neolithic Merger and the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization 2800-1800 BCE at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. The Vedic Civilization 1500-500 BCE characterized by Indo Aryan culture, laid the foundations of Hinduism, which would become well established in the region. Multan was an important Hindu pilgrimage center. The Vedic civilization flourished in the ancient Gandhāran city of Takṣaśilā, now Axilla in Punjab Successive ancient empires and kingdoms ruled the regio the Persian Achaemenid Empire around 519 BCE Alexander the Great's empire in 326 BCE and the Maura Empire founded by Chandragupta Maura and extended by Asoka the Great until 185 BCE The Indo Greek Kingdom founded by Demetrius of Bactria 180 165 BCE included Gadara and Punjab and reached its greatest extent under Menander 165-150 BCE prospering the Greco Buddhist culture in the region. Axilla had one of the earliest universities and centers of higher education in the world. The Medieval period 642-1219 CE is defined by the spread of Islam in the region. During this period, Sufi missionaries played a pivotal role in converting a majority of the regional Buddhist and Hindu population to Islam. The Ray Dynasty 489-632 CE of Sindh, at its zenith ruled this region and the surrounding territories.

First Kashmir War

The Pala Dynasty was the last Buddhist Empire that under Dharampala and Deva Pala stretched across Indian subcontinent from what is now Bangladesh through Northern India to Pakistan and later to Mambo region in Afghanistan. The Arab general Muhammad bin Passim conquered Sindh and Multan in southern Punjab in 711CE The Pakistan government's official chronology identifies this as the point where the foundation of Pakistan was laid. This conquest set the stage for the rule of several successive Muslim empires in the region, including the Ghaznavid Empire 975-1187 CE the Gored Kingdom and the Delhi Sultanate 1206-1526 CE The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire 1526–1857 CE The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high Muhammad Ali Jinnah,, the founder and first Governor General of Pakistan, delivering the opening address of the 1947 Constitutional Assembly, explaining the foundations for the new state of Pakistan. The gradual decline of the Mughal Empire in the early eighteenth century enabled Sikh rulers to control large areas until the British East India Company gained ascendancy over South Asia. The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Espy Mutiny, was the region's major armed struggle against the British. The largely non-violent freedom struggle led by the Indian National Congress engaged millions of protesters in mass campaigns of civil disobedience in the 1920s and 1930s. The All-India Muslim League rose to popularity in the late 1930s amid fears of under-representation and neglect of Muslims in politics. In his presidential address of 29 December 1930 Muhammad Irbil called for "the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State" consisting of Punjab North-West Frontier Province Sind and Baluchistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan espoused the two-nation theory and led the Muslim League to adopt the Lahore Resolution of 1940, popularly known as the Pakistan Resolution. In early 1947 Britain announced the decision to end its rule in India. In June 1947, the nationalist leaders of British India including Jawaharlal Nehru and Abu Kalama Azad representing the Congress, Jinnah representing the Muslim League, and Master Tara Singh representing the Sikhs—agreed to the proposed terms of transfer of power and independence. The modern state of Pakistan was established on 14 August 1947 27 Ramadan 1366 in the Islamic Calendar in the eastern and northwestern regions of British India, where there was a Muslim majority. It comprised the provinces of Baluchistan, East Bengal, the North West Frontier Province, West Punjab and Sindh. The partition of the Punjab and Bengal provinces led to communal riots across India and Pakistan; millions of Muslims moved to Pakistan and millions of Hindus and Sikhs moved to India. Dispute over Jammu and Kashmir led to the First Kashmir War After independence, the President of the Muslim League Mohammed Ali Jinnah, became the new nation's first Governor-General, and the Secretary General of the Muslim League, Nawabzada Liquate Ali Khan became the first Prime Minister. From 1947 to 1956, Pakistan was a dominion in the Commonwealth of Nations under two monarchs In 1947 King George VI relinquished the title of Emperor of India and became King of Pakistan. He retained that title until his death on 6 February 1952 after which Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of Pakistan. She retained that title until Pakistan became an Islamic and Parliamentary republic in 1956 but civilian rule was stalled by a military coup led by the Army Commander in Chief, General Aye Khan. The country experienced exceptional growth until a second war with India took place in 1965 and led to economic downfall and internal instability Aye Khan's successor, General Yahiya Khan President from 1969 to 1971had to deal with a devastating cyclone which caused 500 000 deaths in East Pakistan. In 1970 Pakistan held its first democratic elections since independence, that were meant to mark a transition from military rule to democracy, but after the East Pakistani Awaji League won, Yahiya Khan and the ruling elite in West Pakistan refused to hand over power There was civil unrest in the East, and the Pakistan Army launched a military operation on 25 March 1971 aiming to regain control of the province. The genocide carried out during this operation led to a declaration of independence and to the waging of a war of liberation by the Bengali Mufti Tahini forces in East Pakistan, with support from India However, in West Pakistan the conflict was described as a Civil War as opposed to War of Liberation. Independent estimates of civilian deaths during this period range from 300,000 to 3 million Attacks on Indian military bases by the Pakistan Air Force in December 1971 sparked the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 which ended with the formal secession of East Pakistan as the independent state of Bangladesh. With Pakistan's defeat in the war, Yahiya Khan was replaced by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as Chief Martial Law Administrator. Civilian rule resumed from 1972 to 1977 during this period Pakistan began to build nuclear weapons; the country's first atomic power plant was inaugurated in 1972.Civilian rule ended with a military coup in 1977, and in 1979 General Zia-up-Haq became the third military president. Military government lasted until 1988, during which Pakistan became one of the fastest-growing economies in South Asia. Zia consolidated nuclear development and increased Islamization of the state. During this period, Pakistan helped to subsidies and distributes US resources to factions of the Mujahedeen movement against the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Zia died in a plane crash in 1988 and Benazir Bhutto daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was elected as the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was followed by Nawaz Sharif, and over the next decade the two leaders fought for power, alternating in office while the country's situation worsened; economic indicators fell sharply, in contrast to the 1980s. This period is marked by political instability, misgovernance and corruption. In May 1998, while Sharif was Prime Minister, India tested five nuclear weapons and tension with India heightened to an extreme: Pakistan detonated six nuclear weapons of its own in the Chiai-I and Chiai-II tests later in the same month. Military tension between the two countries in the Kirgiz district led to the Kirgiz War of 1999, after which General Pervez Musharraf took over through a bloodless coup d'état and assumed vast executive powers. Musharraf ruled Pakistan as head of state from 1999 to 2001 and as President from 2001 to 2008a period of extensive economic reform and Pakistan's involvement in the US-led war on terrorism. On 15 November 2007, Pakistan's National Assembly became the first to complete its full five-year term, and new elections were called. After the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December 2007, her Pakistan People’s Party PPP won the largest number of seats in the 2008 elections, and party member Youssef Raze Gillian was sworn in as Prime Minister. Musharraf resigned from the presidency on 18 August 2008 when threatened with impeachment, and was succeeded by As if Ali Zadora, the current President.Gillani was disqualified from membership of parliament and as prime minister by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in June 2012.By its own estimates, Pakistan's involvement in the war on terrorism has cost up to $67.93 billion thousands of casualties and nearly 3 million displaced civilians. The Pakistani general election of 2013 saw the Pakistan Muslim League Achieve a majority, following which Nawaz Sharif became elected as the Prime Minister of Pakistan, returning to the post for the third time after fourteen years, in a democratic transition. Pakistan is a democratic parliamentary federal republic with Islam as the state religion. The first Constitution of Pakistan was adopted in 1956 but suspended by Aye Khan in 1958. The Constitution of 1973 suspended by Zia-up-Haq in 1977 but reinstated in 1985 is the country's most important document, laying the foundations of the current government. The bicameral legislature comprises a 100-member Senate and a 342-member National Assembly. Members of the National Assembly are elected through the first-past-the-post system under universal adult suffrage representing electoral districts known as National Assembly constituencies. According to the constitution, the 70 seats reserved for women and religious minorities are allocated to the political parties according to their proportional representation. The president who is elected by an electoral college is the ceremonial head of the state and is the civilian commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Armed Forces (with Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee as its principal military adviser), but military appointments and key confirmations in the armed forces are made by the prime minister after reviewing the reports on their merit and performances. Almost all appointed officers in the judicial branches, military chiefs, chairman and branches, and legislatures require the executive confirmation from the prime minister, whom the President must consult, by law. However, the powers to pardon and grant clemency vest with the President of Pakistan. The prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party or a coalition in the National Assembly. He serves as the head of government and is designated to exercise as the country's chief executive. The premier is responsible for appointing a cabinet consisting of ministers and advisors as well as running the government operations, taking and authorizing executive decisions, appointments and recommendations that require executive confirmation of the Prime Minister. Each of the four provinces has a similar system of government, with a directly elected Provincial Assembly in which the leader of the largest party or coalition is elected Chief Minister. Chief Ministers oversees the provincial government and head the provincial cabinet; it is common in Pakistan to have different ruling parties or coalitions in the provinces. The provincial assemblies have power to make laws and approve provincial budget which is commonly presented by the provincial finance minister every fiscal year. Provincial governors who play role as the ceremonial head of province are appointed by the President


power Pakistan

The Pakistani military establishment has played an influential role in mainstream politics throughout Pakistan's political history. Presidents brought in by military coups ruled in 1958.1971 1977 1988 and 1999.2008.Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country after Indonesia and its status as a declared nuclear power, being the only Islamic nation to have that status, plays a part in its international role. Pakistan has a fierce independent foreign policy especially when it comes to issues such as development of nuclear weapons construction of nuclear reactors, foreign military purchases and other issues that are vital to its national interests. Pakistan has a strategic geo-political location at the corridor of world major maritime oil supply lines, and has close proximity to the resource and oil rich central Asian countries. Pakistan is an important member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC is ranked by the US as a major non-NATO ally in the war against terrorism, and has a highly disciplined military, which is the world's eighth-largest standing military force. Pakistan's foreign policy focuses on security against threats to national identity and territorial integrity, and on the cultivation of close relations with Muslim countries. A 2004 briefing on foreign policy for Pakistani Parliamentarians says, "Pakistan highlights sovereign equality of states, bilateralism, mutuality of interests, and non-interference in each other's domestic affairs as the cardinal features of its foreign policy. The country is an active member of the United Nations. It is a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Oilcan which it has promoted Musharraf's concept of Enlightened Moderation Pakistan is also a member of Commonwealth of Nations the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Sarthe Economic Cooperation Organization ECO and the G20 developing nations. India's nuclear tests were seen as a threat to Pakistan and led it to establish itself as a nuclear power Pakistan now maintains a policy of credible minimum deterrence. Pakistan maintains good relations with all Arab and most other Muslim countries. Since the Sino-Indian War of 1962 Pakistan's closest strategic, military and economically has been China. The relationship has survived changes of governments and variations in the regional and global situation. Chinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached economic high points, with substantial Chinese investment in Pakistan's infrastructural expansion including the Pakistani deep-water port at Gadara. Both countries have an ongoing free trade agreement. Pakistan has served as China's main bridge between Muslim countries. Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between China and the West by facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China. Pakistan and India continue to be rivals. The Kashmir conflict remains the major point of rift; three of their four wars were over this territory. Pakistan has had mixed relations with the United States. As an anti-Soviet power in the 1950s and during Soviet Afghan War in the 1980s Pakistan was one of the closest allies of the US but relations soured in the 1990s when the US imposed sanctions because of Pakistan's possession and testing of nuclear weapons.

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